Message from the Dean
Dean Joseph Barone
As a dynamic health sciences school with a talented and internationally-recognized faculty, we provide a top ranked professional pharmacy education and support clinical and basic scientific research. We have a diverse mix of undergraduate and graduate students and world-class faculty with expertise in the many different scientific, socio-economic, technological, pharmacotherapeutic, clinical, and practice aspects of the pharmacy profession.
Our fully accredited six-year professional degree program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree combines rigorous and engaging basic science and clinical courses, introductory and intermediate practice experiences that begin to shape the students as practitioners, and concludes with a full year of intense, diverse professional practice experiences in various patient care settings, innovative practice environments, and the pharmaceutical industry. These experiences prepare our graduates for pharmacy licensure in New Jersey and other states, and for fulfilling and rewarding careers in:
- community chain and independent pharmacies
- hospital and institutional pharmacy
- managed care settings and clinical care centers
- the biopharmaceutical industry
- governmental agencies
- academia and independent research institutes