Nominated by two EMSOP students, Dr. Aleksunes has been awarded the 2021 Lambda Kappa Sigma Advisor Award. Their words make clear how Dr. Aleksunes has served the organization and how she serves each student member:

Aimee Cheng:

“Dr. Lauren Aleksunes’ compassion and drive for the excellence of our chapter is above and beyond any advisor I have seen. As a professional, Dr. Aleksunes is a well-rounded community member of the Pharmacy School at Rutgers as a faculty member, program coordinator, and lab researcher, yet she consistently takes the time to meet with our leadership to discuss our goals and motivates us to put together a plan of action to continuously improve our chapter. She also takes the time to meet with our new members each semester, which is such a valuable connection, especially for our younger sisters and ones who are transfer students, who may not have previously had the support of a faculty member before. This year, while COVID has limited our ability for any in-person activities, Dr. Aleksunes continues to support us and encourage our sisterhood to bridge the distance between us by working with our sisterhood chairs to host crafts nights, including Valentine’s Day and Fall-themed card-making events and Paint-‘n-Sip nights. Dr. Aleksunes’ altruism and encouragement have been essential in the growth of Pi Chapter, and we are indebted to her for it.”

Elise Gerdes:

“Dr. Aleksunes contributes to Pi Chapter in more ways than I originally realized. Given she’s a professor and runs her own research lab, I was always reluctant to ask her for help because I was afraid she would be too busy. I realized that was so far from the truth – she truly cares about us and puts in the time to get to know us and help us. She is the only advisor we have that attends monthly webinars and executive board meetings required by Rutgers and has not missed one, helping me immensely in keeping my chapter in good standing. During orientation, she takes time out of her schedule to meet with our NMOs and insists on having multiple meetings so she can really get to know them. She willingly hosts craft nights and ships out materials to each sister, and doesn’t expect anything in return. By teaching us how to make special cards, we get to learn more about her as she takes the time to bond with us, and those nights have given us some of our fondest sisterhood memories. All in all, Dr. A is so deserving of this award given her selflessness and dedication.”