PharmD/MBA Dual Degree Program
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and Rutgers Business School PharmD/MBA Dual Degree Program
Revised February 2023
In response to strong expressions of interest from current students and alumni, the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy has partnered with the Rutgers Business School to develop a dual degree PharmD/MBA program. This program enables qualified PharmD students to begin work on the MBA while still enrolled in the PharmD program. PharmD students will remain with their cohort and complete their doctoral degree at the same time as their classmates. After degree completion, they may matriculate into the MBA for full‐time study (one year) or part‐time study (approximately three years) to complete the second degree.
Pharmacy students in the dual degree program will earn advanced standing in the MBA program for some of their required PharmD courses, plus the opportunity to take a limited number of MBA courses while completing the PharmD.
The full‐time MBA and the part‐time MBA have different credit requirements; 60 for the former and 49 for the latter.
Entrance into the Dual Degree Program
The dual degree program requires a high level of academic commitment and work in addition to the heavy demands of the PharmD program. Students must demonstrate their academic preparedness and their willingness to take on the additional responsibilities. The School of Pharmacy is committed to the success of each of its PharmD candidates and will only recommend students for the dual degree program who are sufficiently qualified and motivated.
Advanced standing
PharmD students matriculating into the part‐time MBA program (49 credits) or the full‐time MBA program (60 credits) will be granted 7 credits of advanced standing toward the elective area based on their work in the PharmD program.
MBA courses for students in the PharmD program
After completion of the P1 year, PharmD students may substitute up to two of the below MBA courses (for a total of 6 credits) toward the full‐time MBA program or up to three of the below MBA courses (for a total of 9 credits) toward the part‐time MBA program for pharmacy professional electives.1, 2
- U.S. Healthcare Systems and Pharmaceutical Managed Markets (3 credits)
- Pharmaceutical Industry: Issues, Structure & Dynamics (3 credits)3
- Legal, Regulatory and Ethical Issues in the Pharmaceutical Industry (3 credits)
- Market Access & Reimbursement for Drugs (3 credits)3
PharmD students apply for admission to the dual degree program anytime from September of the fourth professional year to February 15 of the P4 year.
- Students must submit a formal business letter of intent to Senior Associate Dean Goldin no later than February 15th of the P4 year.
- The Dean’s Office will evaluate the student’s statement, certify the student’s cumulative GPA (3.2 or higher), and send these materials to the Rutgers Business School.
PharmD students who qualify for the dual degree program must apply online directly to the RBS MBA program (specifying “dual degree program”). Check directly with RBS for information about deadlines and requirements.
- Applicants to the dual degree program will be informed of their admissions status in the final year of the PharmD Program. Once admitted to the MBA program, PharmD students will be considered dual degree candidates.
Matriculation into the MBA program will be deferred until the PharmD is completed.
- Applicants are not required to take the GMAT exam.
- For scholarship eligibility, students should contact RBS by February of the P4 year to learn about deadlines and requirements.
- The School of Business requires a personal interview for applicants to the full‐time program.
- Students who are interested in the full‐time program, should contact Graduate Admissions at the Rutgers Business School prior to formally applying to the program.
- Contact Ronald Kwan, Assistant Dean for Graduate Admissions at RBS for additional information on the MBA: rkwan@business.rutgers.edu.
Enrollment Options
- Students may enroll in the 60‐credit full‐time program or the 49‐credit part‐time program.
- All MBA students have access to the RBS placement service.
- While enrolled full‐time in the PharmD program, students may take business courses atno additional cost. If they enroll in summer, they will pay summer school tuition.
- Once students have completed the PharmD, they will enroll in the Rutgers School of Business and pay Business School tuition and fees.
1 PharmD students need permission from the School of Pharmacy to substitute MBA courses for School of Pharmacy professional electives.
2 MBA courses are 3‐credits each, whereas pharmacy professional electives are 2‐credits each; the MBA courses will require more class hours and more out‐of‐class assignments.
3 Recommended: Completion of U.S. Healthcare Systems and Pharmaceutical Managed Markets