PharmD/Master of Public Health (MPH)
PharmD/Certificate in Public Health
October 2024 PharmD/Master of Public Health (MPH) PharmD/Certificate in Public Health The Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and the School of Public Health currently offer a dual degree program (PharmD/MPH) and are developing a certificate program to provide exceptional pharmacy students with a pathway to an advanced degree or a certificate in public health. By taking some public health courses while still in the PharmD program, students can complete their public health studies in less time than if they begin after completion of the PharmD. Graduates will build on their pharmacy training with a sound understanding of public health fields, such as organization of health services, pharmacoepidemiology, healthcare policy, biostatistics, and environmental health. As professionals, they will have in‐depth complementary training as pharmacists and public health experts. EMSOP students in good standing (with a 3.2 GPA or higher) may select certain Public Health courses to take the place of two pharmacy electives, beginning in the fall of the P2 year. Interested students should contact Dr. Carol Goldin, Senior Associate Dean for Planning and Assessment for additional program information (csg@pharmacy.rutgers.edu), or Mrs. Laura Sclafani, Assistant Dean for Academic Services about course registration (laura.sclafani@pharmacy.rutgers.edu). More information about these programs will be posted on our website later this semester.