Licensure Renewal Requirements
Licensure Renewal Requirements
New Jersey Requirements
Minimum of 30 credits of which at least 10 must be obtained through didactic instruction (in-person, telephone, or electronic instruction; but does not include video-taped instruction). Ten credits of continuing education (CE) may be carried over into succeeding biennial period only if such credits were earned during the last six months of the preceding biennial period and were not previously reported. This does not apply to the opioid education requirement.
Pharmacy law: At least three credits shall be obtained in pharmacy law applicable to pharmacy practice in New Jersey.
Opioids: Pharmacists must complete at least one credit of CE concerning prescription opioid drugs, including alternatives to opioids for managing and treating pain, and the risks and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion.
Immunization: Pharmacists authorized to administer vaccines and related emergency medications must complete at least two hours of CE in immunization in each biennial renewal period.
Collaborative practice: Pharmacists granted authorization to engage in collaborative drug therapy management shall complete a minimum of 10 credits of continuing education every biennial renewal period in each disease or condition covered by the collaborative practice agreement.
Pharmacists are encouraged to visit the Frequently Asked Questions page from the New Jersey Board of Pharmacy for additional information: https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/phar/Pages/FAQ.aspx
Additional detail on pharmacist CE requirements are detailed within the New Jersey Board of Pharmacy regulations.
Pharmacy Technicians
New Jersey does not require CE for Pharmacy Technician registration renewal; however, any pharmacy technician that is certified by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) needs to complete 20 hours of CE every two years in order to become recertified. For more information, please visit: https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/phar/
New York Requirements
A minimum of 45 contact hours (at least 23 live) is required in each three-year registration period. The 45 hours required must include at least three credits (home study or live) on strategies and techniques to reduce medication and prescription errors and at least three credits (home study or live) pertaining to pharmaceutical compounding. For more information: https://www.op.nysed.gov/professions/pharmacist/continuing-education
Collaborative drug therapy management: Any pharmacist participating in collaborative drug therapy management shall complete at least five hours of acceptable formal CE in the area or areas of practice generally related to any collaborative drug therapy management protocols to which the pharmacist may be subject.
Pharmacy Technician
Any pharmacy technician that is certified by the PTCB needs to complete 20 hours of CE every two years in order to become recertified.
Pennsylvania Requirements
Pharmacists are required to complete pharmacist CE approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) or by the Pennsylvania State Board of Pharmacy. Of the 30 contact hours that pharmacists must complete, CE in the following topics is required:
Child abuse recognition: Two hours of child abuse recognition and reporting CE. For more information: https://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/Pages/Act-31.aspx
Pain management: At least two hours of pharmacist CE in pain management, the identification of addiction or in the practices of prescribing or dispensing opioids.
Patient safety: Two hours in the ACPE topic designator “Patient Safety”. The ACPE topic designator for “Patient Safety” is 05.
Immunization: Pharmacists who have an active authorization to administer injectable medications, biologicals and immunizations must also meet an additional CE requirement. At least two of the required 30 hours must concern the administration of injectable medications, biologicals, and immunizations, including, but not limited to, disease epidemiology, vaccine characteristics, injection technique, emergency response to adverse events and related topics.
For more information on Pennsylvania Continuing Education requirements for pharmacists, please visit: https://www.dos.pa.gov/ProfessionalLicensing/BoardsCommissions/Pharmacy/Pages/default.aspx
Pharmacy Technicians
Currently there are no CE requirements for pharmacy technicians in Pennsylvania. However, pharmacy technicians may, at their own option or through the encouragement of their employer, seek to become nationally certified through the PTCB. Any pharmacy technician that is certified by the PTCB needs to complete 20 hours of CE every two years in order to become recertified.
Many of the ACPE CE courses EMSOP offers are applicable for technicians. This is typically noted on the program brochure. Watch for programs with the “T” in the ACPE approval number. Pharmacy technicians are encouraged to check with the state board for future changes.