Incoming Students
We are so glad you’ve decided to join Rutgers pharmacy. Here’s what you need to know to start your studies and prepare for your future career in pharmacy.
Students Entering from High School
Starting your college career is exciting—and sometimes confusing. If you have questions that you can’t find answers to, the Office of Academic Services at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy can help. If you’re a student enrolled in our Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) program, you can turn to the Office of Student Development for assistance or to learn more about the upcoming summer institute.
All students entering from high school are required to take the Rutgers Placement Test. The test provides information about each student’s skills in English language and mathematics and is used to help place you in courses appropriate for your level of preparation.
Looking for registration information? Not to worry! Registration for fall semester classes is completed for you by the Office of Academic Services; you will receive a schedule in August.
Excited about residence life at Rutgers? We encourage you to request housing on the Busch campus—home to both the School of Pharmacy and a large contingent of first-year students interested in science, engineering, and healthcare—or on the nearby Livingston campus.
Students Transferring from Other Colleges
Students entering with credits or degrees from other colleges have a special set of concerns.