Drug and Health Information Sources
Drug and Health Information Sources
The data sources listed below are available to students of the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. The list below is a small sampling of sources available but represents those most commonly used by students at various points in the program. Access is maintained by the Rutgers Univeristy Libraries and the links below take you to their page which includes a full description of the database, instructions on how to access, and the link to use (blue connect button). Most databases are restricted to Rutger students and faculty and will require login with your NetID and password.
PharmacyLibrary by APhA
Online access to several pharmacy and medical textbooks, licensure exam study materials and the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association.
Notable material inlcuded:
Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs*
Medication Errors
Communication Skills for Pharmacists
Spanish for the Pharmacy Professional
Pharmacy: An Introduction to the Profession.
Online access to several pharmacy and medical textbooks and licensure exam study materials.
Notable material inlcuded:
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach*
Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
Harrisons Principles’ of Internal Medicine
Pharmacy and Federal Drug Law Review
A more detailed list is avialable on the University Library site at the link above.
Similar to the AccessPharmacy(see above) with a wider selection of texts with a medical emphasis.
Lexicomp Online
Drug monographs, drug indentification database, pharmacy/clinical calculators, patient education, drug interactions and more. Use this instead of wikipedia.
Facts and Comparisons
Includes a number of databases including drug monographs, clinical calculators, comparative data tables, drug inditification database, drug intersactions, black box warnings database, and other clinical references. Use this instead of wikipedia.
The Medical Letter
Reviews of new FDA-approved medications and updates on previously approved medications in a biweekly newsletter format.
Health Sciences Database Page of Rutgers University Libraries
Contains links to all of the above listed databases (and hundreds more) with detailed descriptions and access instructions.
* required text