Current Students
Current Students
You’re a busy PharmD student with little time to spare. Luckily, the resources you’re most likely searching for are organized here in one go-to source.
Accordion Content
Here’s the info you need to keep on track with your PharmD studies. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Drop by the Office of Academic Services in the Administrative Suite for assistance.
The PharmD curriculum prepares you to be a well-rounded general practitioner while offering opportunities in clinical practice, industry, public health, managed care, research, and other specialized areas of pharmacy. Carefully designed coursework ensures that you graduate with the professional skills and competencies required by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, as outlined in the Ability Based Outcome Maps
Select five professional electives during your P1-P3 years, developing an understanding of specialized segments of the pharmacy profession that interest you. Professional electives include research, clinical, and didactic courses.
Refer to the fact sheet on humanities and social science electives to find out which courses satisfy your PharmD program requirements. Interested in taking humanities and social science courses outside Rutgers? You’ll need to review the policy and procedures and obtain the required authorizations.
When are they? Where are they? Find the answers you seek in the schedule of classes and final exams for P1–P3 students.
Pharmacy practice experiences provide strong professional training while allowing you to explore different practice settings, with rotations available at 1,250 partner sites. Four-week rotations begin the summer after your P1 year and advance to five-week rotations throughout your P4 year.
The competent, ethical pharmacist exhibits not only the knowledge but also the skills, attributes, and behaviors of our profession. Review the technical standards you must demonstrate for admission, retention, progression, and graduation in the PharmD program.
Your Scholastic Standing is determined by evidence of satisfactory academic progression and is evaluated each semester by a faculty committee. In general, the minimum acceptable GPA is 2.800 in the preprofessional years and 2.500 in the professional years, with no grades of D or F.
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Rutgers University
Computer Requirements for PharmD Students: AY2024/2025
Basic computer device requirements: All students in the professional years need computer laptops that meet University specs: https://it.rutgers.edu/computer-recommendations-for-rutgers-students/
- Student devices should be Windows or Mac OS based laptops, since these are designed to support our Learning Management System (LMS) and our electronic testing tools.
- Students cannot depend on iPads or ultraportable tablets because they do not support our LMS and electronic testing tools.
Specific recommendations for operating systems:
Windows Laptops Macintosh Laptops Operating system 64 bit version of Windows 10 or Windows 11 Pro. Note: Windows 10 RT and 10 S operating systems are not adequate for our learning management and testing tools. OS X 14 or later (Sonoma) CPU Processor Intel Core i5, or better (10th- generation CPU or later) Apple M1 or higher recommended but older Intel processors that can run
OS X14 or higher are acceptableRAM 8 GB or greater 8 GB or better (MacBook Pro comes
standard with 8GB)Hard Drive 256 GBs (solid state drives a repreferred) 256 GB Screen Resolution 1280×800 or higher 1280×800 or higher Webcam & Mic Integrated webcam and microphone Integrated webcam and microphone Privacy Screen Correct size privacy screen (designed for your make/model of computer) Correct size privacy screen (designed for your make/model of computer) Google Chrome is the recommended web browser; others, such as Firefox or MS Edge, are acceptable.
EXAM requirements: For all in-person exams, students should bring fully charged devices, device charger, mouse (if needed), and privacy screen that covers the laptop screen completely. Note: you may not be permitted to take an exam if you do not have a privacy screen.
It is the student’s responsibility to come to exams with the appropriate equipment. Faculty may use discretion in rescheduling/restructuring exams if student equipment is inadequate.
IMPORTANT: All files, browser tabs and windows must be closed prior to entering the exam hall.
Questions? See below.
Computing Policy: Rutgers Office of Information Technology Computing Policies and Guidelines.
Remote Technology Resources for Students: technology resources Rutgers students.
Canvas support for students: Canvas helpdesk; Email: help@oit.rutgers.edu; Canvas Help Phone: 833- 648-4357
Grades are reported to the university registrar at the end of each semester. Click here for more information.
Special Academic Opportunities
You might be looking for your next big challenge—or for a little extra help. Either way, these special academic opportunities can help you make the most of your School of Pharmacy education.
Our Educational Opportunity Fund program supports aspiring pharmacists from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Contact the helpful staff of the Office for Student Development for any questions or concerns you have as an EOF student.
Highly competitive pharmacy scholarships for the professional years are awarded by the School of Pharmacy to current P1–P4 students, based primarily on academic merit and financial need. Apply by June 15 for scholarships awarded each term of the upcoming year.
Fascinated by research? Planning to pursue a PhD? The PharmD Honors Research Program is designed for students like you. Enter the program at any time from the spring of the PP2 year through the P2 year. Talk to a faculty member whose research you find interesting and then contact one of the program’s directors for next steps.
You’re a highly motivated undergraduate interested in a research career in pharmaceutical and/or environmental sciences. The foundation for your success just might be the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (SURF), a research training and career development opportunity for aspiring scientists.
You’ve done your research, now share it at Pharmacy Research Day. This annual symposium brings together PharmD, graduates, and postgraduate researchers for poster presentations showcasing the exciting work conducted at our school. Abstracts for the annual April event are submitted in March.
Are you a highly focused P4 student looking for a challenging advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE)? Check out the Knight Scholar Program, which provides a block of four diversified APPEs within a single health system.
Office of Academic Services offer guidance on orientation, registration, and scheduling of classes for current preprofessional students as well as admissions and transfer policies for prospective students.
Once you move into the professional years of the PharmD program, make sure you take advantage of student advising. Consult with your advisers and with faculty mentors in your area of interest to ensure that you make the right academic decisions for your personal interests and professional goals.
Looking for help with an academic, personal, or professional development concern? The Office for Student Development assists students in reaching their full potential, with services ranging from academic advising and individualized counseling to small group tutoring and self improvement workshops. This office also administers the Educational Opportunity Fund for our school.
Resources for PharmD Students
Having the right resources right at your fingertips? It’s a beautiful thing! That’s why we gathered this easy-to-access archive of top reference materials for pharmacy students.
The Student Handbook collects key information about the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy and the PharmD program in one handy place. Use it to familiarize yourself with school policies and expectations—and make the most of your education.
The Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy welcomes students with disabilities into all of our educational programs. Students with disabilities are entitled to the same benefits, the same quality of student life, and are subject to the same academic requirements as other students. The university provides extensive and supportive resources. Rutgers is committed to providing equal educational access for individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADAA) of 2008. The university will make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, and procedures unless doing so fundamentally alters the nature of the service, program, or activity, or poses an undue hardship. For any student who has been deemed eligible for special services, Rutgers provides reasonable accommodations in order to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to participate in all Rutgers programs, services, and activities. Also see the Technical Standards section of this document. More information can be found at: https://ods.rutgers.edu/
You have instant access to online drug and health information sources through Rutgers University Libraries. Among the most commonly used resources are pharmacy and medical textbooks, journals, and monographs; drug information databases; clinical calculators; patient education materials; and licensure exam study materials.
As an aspiring pharmacist, you probably have many questions about licensure and certification; find the answers here on our FAQs page. Learn how our students’ pass rates on the pharmacy licensure exam compare with those of peer pharmacy schools.
If you get summoned to report for Jury Duty, please fill out the Jury Postponement form ASAP.
2 weeks notification must be given for postponement requests.
April 25 @ 2:00 pm | Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, John L. Colaizzi Atrium, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, John L. Colaizzi Atrium, Piscataway, NJ, 08854
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