Congratulations to Shuo Xiao

Congratulations to Shuo Xiao

Each year these awards honor members of the Rutgers community selected by their colleagues for outstanding contributions to teaching, research, and public service. Shuo Xiao is an Assistance Professor in our Pharmacology and Toxicology Department.

Congratulations to Dr. Grace Guo and Dr. Shuo Xiao

Grace L. Guo, MBBS, PhD ASPET is pleased to award Dr. Grace L. Guo, MBBS, PhD from Rutgers University the 2024 Division for Toxicology Career Award. The ASPET Division for Toxicology established this award to recognize outstanding original research contributions to...
Congratulations to Dr. Lucio R. Volino

Congratulations to Dr. Lucio R. Volino

The American Pharmacists Association Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management (APhA-APPM) has recognized Dr. Lucio Volino as an APhA Fellow in recognition of his exemplary achievements in professional practice and outstanding service to the pharmacy profession with...