Pharmacy Practice & Administration Department
Our mission is to guide the next generation of pharmacists in the practice of patient-centered, population-based pharmaceutical care in a eutical care in a multitude of settings. We are committed to the ethical and professional growth of PharmD students and strive to educate lifelong learners with the skills to lead and adapt in a dynamic healthcare system.
PharmD Education
The PharmD curriculum encompasses the didactic and experiential education necessary to prepare pharmacy graduates to pursue employment or postgraduate studies. Our department is responsible for coursework covering core areas of pharmacy practice as well as a clinical rotations program providing experiential learning opportunities in professional practice settings.
Throughout their studies, our students benefit from the mentorship of professors who are scholars and practicing pharmacists. Our faculty members are teachers in the classroom, preceptors at clinical practice sites, and advisers to student groups and organizations. They model the values, ethics, and attitudes of the pharmaceutical profession for their students.
Faculty Practice and Service
In concert with their teaching responsibilities, our professors practice in a variety of inpatient and outpatient sites throughout New Jersey. Our clinical professors provide pharmaceutical services and direct patient care in hospitals, medical centers, health clinics, community and retail pharmacies, and other practice settings.
Our service to the profession extends beyond the practice sites of our faculty. We offer structured postgraduate education and training that keeps alumni, pharmacists, and industry colleagues abreast of the latest changes in our rapidly evolving profession. Additionally, we manage a robust drug information center to share literature and knowledge with pharmacists and other healthcare practitioners.
Professional and Industry Partnerships
The department provides extensive services to healthcare organizations and institutions, professional organizations, government agencies, and industry. We are particularly proud of our association with the country’s largest postdoctoral industry fellowship training program, the Rutgers Institute for Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowships. Many of our clinical faculty members collaborate with program fellows on scholarly activities and teaching opportunities, providing exposure to a variety of practice environments.