Educational Leadership
We provide an innovative, evolving approach to education that emphasizes comprehensive, flexible, and student-centered instruction.
Fall Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Number General Biology I 01:119:115 4 General Chemistry I 01:160:161&101 4 Introduction to Experimentation 01:160:171 1 Expository Writing I 01:355:101 3 Calculus I 01:640:135 4 16 Spring Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours General Biology II 01:119:116 4 General Chemistry II 01:160:162&102 4 Second College-level Writing Course* 3 Pharmacy Convocations 30:725:104 1 Humanities/Soc. Sci. Elective** 3 General Biology Lab 01:119:117 2 17 *Note: Students need to complete one of the following courses to satisfy this requirement.
Class Name Class Number Research in the Disciplines 01:355:201 Technical Writing Essentials 01:355:202 Business Writing Essentials 01:355:203 Scientific and Technical Writing 01:355:302 Writing Grant Proposals 01:355:315 Science Writing 01:355:342 Collaborative Writing Practices 01:355:375 Writing for Business and the Professions 01:355:303 **See Fact Sheet for Humanities/Social Science Electives for a complete explanation of the rules that govern Humanities / Social Science Elective courses.
Fall Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Organic Chemistry I 01:160:307 or 315 4 Introduction to Microeconomics 01:220:102 3 Elements of Physics 01:750:161 4 Humanities/Soc. Sci. Elective 3 Psychology/Sociology Elective 3 17 Spring Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Integrated Organ Physiology 30:718:200 3 Organic Chemistry II 01:160:308 or 316 4 Organic Chemistry Lab 01:160:311 2 Basic Statistics for Research 01:960:401 3 Humanities/Soc. Sci. Elective 3 Humanities/Soc. Sci. Elective 3 18 Review carefully the requirements for entrance into the First Professional (Third) Year of the Program. All the requirements for the Pre-Professional Program must be completed prior to entry into the First Professional Year.
Review carefully the requirements for entrance into the First Professional (Third) Year of the Program. All the requirements for the PreProfessional Program must be completed prior to entry into the First Professional Year. (Students wishing to transfer into the program after completing college work elsewhere, including other Rutgers units, should review information for prospective students on our website for specific curriculum course requirements for your situation.)
Fall Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Biochemical Foundations of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology I 30:158:309 3 Pathophysiology 30:718:304 3 Introduction to Pharmaceutics and Lab 30:721:301 4 Pharmaceutical Chemistry 30:715:307 2 Foundations of Pharmacy Care 30:725:320 4 Professional Elective 3 2 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio I4 30:725:304 0.5 16.5-18.5 Spring Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Biochemical Foundations of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology II 30:158:310 3 Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics 30:721:430 4 Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics 30:718:320 3 Drug Delivery I and Lab 30:721:320 4 iPASS I 30:725:321 3 Professional Elective 3 2 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio II4 30:725:305 0.5 17.5 -19.5 3 Students must complete five professional electives during the First through Third professional years. See the list of Professional Electives for description of courses. Students must complete one clinical professional elective. For more information click here.
4 Note that work on portfolio begins during the IPPE courses, continues during APPE courses, and is completed and submitted for grading during the final semester of the P4 year.
Summer Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Introductory Pharmacy Practice Community Experience 30:725:330 2 Professional Elective 3 2 2-4 -
Fall Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Pharmaceutical Microbiology 30:158:420 3 Medicinal Chemistry I 30:715:409 3 Medical Literature Evaluation & Application 30:725:470 3 Pulmonary and Hematology Pharmacotherapy 30:720:440 3 Cardiology Pharmacotherapy 30:720:442 4 iPASS II 30:725:432 2 Professional Elective 3 2 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio III4 30:725:404 0.5 18.5-20.5 Spring Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Medicinal Chemistry II 30:715:410 3 Renal Pharmacotherapy 30:720:445 2 Infectious Diseases & Pharmacotherapy 30:720:446 4 Sterile Compounding 30:725:489 2 Pharmacy Practice Management 30:725:308 3 iPASS III 30:725:433 2 Professional Elective 3 2 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio IV4 30:725:405 0.5 16.5-18.5 Summer Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Introductory Pharmacy Practice Hospital/Institutional Experience 30:725:480 2 Professional Elective 3 2 2-4 3Students must complete five professional electives during the First through Third professional years; at least one of these electives must be a critical elective course. For more information click here. See the list of Professional Electives for description of courses.
4 Note that work on portfolio begins during the IPPE courses, continues during APPE courses, and is completed and submitted for grading during the final semester of the P4 year.
Fall Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Endocrine and Reproductive Pharmacotherapy 31:720:540 2 Gastrointestinal, Hepatic and Nutritional Pharmacotherapy 31:720:541 2 Oncology Pharmacotherapy 31:720:542 3 Self Care and Home Care 31:725:550 3 Principles of Pharmaceutical Economics 31:725:540 3 iPASS IV 31:725:534 2 Professional Elective3 2 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio V4 31:725:504 0.5 15.5-17.5 Spring Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Psychiatric and Behavioral Disorders Pharmacotherapy 31:720:545 2 Neurology Pharmacotherapy 31:720:546 3 Immunology, Ocular, and Dermatology Pharmacotherapy 31:720:547 1 Poison Management and Drug Abuse 31:725:515 3 Pharmacy Law and Bioethics 31:725:545 4 iPASS V 31:725:535 2 Professional Elective 3 2 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio VI4 31:725:505 0.5 15.5-17.5 3Students must complete five professional electives during the First through Third professional years; at least one of these electives must be a critical elective course. For more information click here. See the list of Professional Electives for description of courses.
4 Note that work on portfolio begins during the IPPE courses, continues during APPE courses, and is completed and submitted for grading during the final semester of the P4 year.
All curriculum requirements of the first five years must be successfully completed before students may register for any Terminal Year rotations (Advanced Practice Experiences). Students need to complete at least eight (8) experiential rotations during the last year of the Program. Note: the Fourth Professional year begins in the summer following spring of the Third Professional year (see below). Additional rotations may be completed after consultation with the Professional Experience Program Director.
Summer Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Advanced Practice Experience I 31:725:791 5 Advanced Practice Experience II 31:725:792 5 Advanced Practice Experience III 31:725:793 5 15 Fall Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Advanced Practice Experience IV 31:725:794 5 Advanced Practice Experience V 31:725:795 5 Advanced Practice Experience VI 31:725:796 5 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio VII4 31:725:614 1 16 Spring Term
Class Name Class Number Credit Hours Advanced Practice Experience VII 31:725:797 5 Advanced Practice Experience VIII 31:725:798 5 Advanced Practice Experience IX 31:725:799 5 LEAP-AHEAD Documentation Portfolio VIII4 31:725:615 1 Pharmacy Reflections Seminar 31:725:617 2 18 4 Note that work on portfolio begins during the IPPE courses, continues during APPE courses, and is completed and submitted for grading during the final semester of the P4 year.