EMSOP Students Succeed

Students’ first-attempt pass rate on NAPLEX licensure exam
Top 25
Ranked among the best graduate pharmacy programs
Clinical practice sites in network
Top 10%
National Institutes of Health research funding received by schools of pharmacy

The PharmD at Rutgers

The six-year Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) at Rutgers program begins with two years of pre-professional study and moves seamlessly into four years of professional training. Rutgers is home to one of the countryʼs few 0-6 PharmD programs, meaning students can enter directly from high school or transfer from a two- or four-year college into the first professional year.

photo of lab researcher

Critical Carer: Andrea Mosquera

EMSOP graduate ANDREA MOSQUERA ’24 has completed a clinical rotation at New Mexico’s Navajo Nation Reservation and presented research to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

What’s not on her CV: As a student, during her critical care rotation, she met a young Dominican man with Type I diabetes. Mosquera, who is bilingual, learned he was out of insulin and hadn’t seen a doctor.  “He’d have been back in 10 days,” recalls Mosquera, who drove him to appointments at Trenton’s nonprofit Henry J. Austin Health Center and with an endocrinologist.

“This kid fell through the cracks, but Andrea said, ‘Nope, not letting that happen” says Mosquera’s former advisor, Liza Barbarello Andrews ’98. “That’s exactly what we hope a pharmacist would do.”

Andrea Mosquera, PharmD



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